Water snakes are found on or near water such as ponds, streams, ditches, lakes and bayous. Most water snakes are aggressive and ill-tempered, striking repeatedly when caught. If captured, water snakes usually release musk, a foul smelling liquid excreted from the cloacal opening, which serves as a good defense against predators. In spite of its unpleasant odor, musk is not harmful to humans. All of our aquatic snakes are harmless, with the exception of the highly venomous cottonmouth or water moccasin. This dangerous snake is often mistaken for the other darker colored harmless water snakes. It can be difficult to identify water snakes unless they are still and their body is in complete view or unless you are very close up - which is not always a good idea. Let's look at some of the differences. All harmless water snakes have round eyes and elongated heads. Elliptical vertical pupils (cat eyes), triangle-shaped head and a loreal pit in front of each eye are all classic features of the moccasin, which is a member of the pit viper family. Cottonmouths tend to be a much stouter snake than other nonvenomous water snakes. Water snakes will flatten their heads in a threat display. This can make them look menacing to potential predators and more moccasin-like than usual. It is best to stay away from any snake unless you are completely sure what species it is. Water snakes can be found up to any distance away from a water source. Conversely, arboreal snakes like the rat snake can be found swimming in water. All snakes need water to survive and can usually be found around a water source drinking, basking, or swimming. However, snakes which spend the majority of their time in or near the water are included in the category of water snakes.